Daniel Sharman non sarà Hardin nel film After
Dopo il passo indietro di Daniel Sharman per il ruolo di Hardin, ora arriva la notizia che non sarà lui ad interpretare il protagonista di After.
È certo che Daniel Sharman non interpreterà Hardin Scott e l’annuncio arriverà presto. Alcune voci, vicino ad Anna Todd affermano che Daniel non è più “in forma per il ruolo” e implicano che “è falso”.
Molti fan amanti dell’ attore, hanno cominciato a boicottare il film dicendo che:” È stato mancato di rispetto e maltrattato abbastanza da questo intero processo. Non vogliamo che Daniel si aggiri con persone che la pensano così e inventano ragioni per rifiutarlo. Stiamo ufficialmente ritirando il nostro supporto da tutta la serie After. Per favore continua a sostenere Daniel Sharman come attore, perché questa bella anima lo merita.”
danielishardinDaniel Sharman and the #AfterMovie fans have been wronged by the studio and Anna Todd. We have been led on for years and then discarded like chopped liver just because we aren’t licking Nicholas G’ass. It is certain that Daniel will NOT play Hardin Scott and the announcement will come soon. It’s safe to say that i don’t want Daniel in an environment were the friends of Anna Todd say he’s not “fit for the role anymore” and imply that “he’s fake”. Daniel deserves better than a toxic environment.
Sorry but Daniel has been around for years as a public figure and has never been deemed problematic by the online community which “cancels” someone daily, because he’s the most down to earth and kind person there is. He strongly supports for charities, campaigned for Bernie, and even does movies for almost no pay to get it made. And you will NOT diss him. He’s been disrespected and mistreated enough by this whole process. We don’t want Daniel around people that think so low of him and make up reasons to reject him such as his age. We are officially withdrawing our support from the entire After series. Please continue supporting Daniel Sharman as an actor, because this beautiful soul deserves it. We are confident Daniel will have wonderful new projects and in the meantime catch him on #imedici2 coming to Netflix this