
The Royals ufficialmente cancellato non riesce a trovare una nuova casa

Il regno della famiglia Henstridge ha ufficialmente raggiunto la sua fine. La Lionsgate TV ha annunciato lunedì che non è stato possibile trovare una nuova casa per The Royals, che è stata cancellata da E! il mese scorso dopo quattro stagioni.

Elizabeth Hurleyha era la regina Helena, a capo della monarchia britannica. Il cast includeva anche William Moseley nei panni del principe Liam, Alexandra Park nei panni della principessa Eleanor, Tom Austen nel ruolo del ladro trasformato in guardia del corpo Jasper Frost, Max Brown nel ruolo di Re Robert e Jake Maskall nei panni di Cyrus.

Il finale della quarta stagione dello show, che ora dovrà servire come finale della serie, si conclude con Willow che sposa Robert, nonostante sia a conoscenza delle sue discutibili intenzioni, e Liam scopre che la sua ragazza Kathryn è incinta. Abbiamo anche avuto una pseudo proposta tra Jasper ed Eleanor, oltre a uno scioccante ritorno dell’ex di Cyrus, Violet .

William Moseley, parlando con TVLine del finale, ha ammesso che il finale multi-cliffhanger “ha lasciato un enorme punto interrogativo alla fine della stagione”, riconoscendo quanto sperava avrebbe avuto l’opportunità di continuare la storia.

Alexandra Park e Tom Austen hanno salutato la serie con due post su Instagram condividendo con i fan due foto Jasperon.

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Sorry i’m late guys, hasn’t been easy finding the words. To everyone who loved this show with the heavy heart that I’m carrying right now…. To everyone who told us daily what these characters meant to you. To all the passengers who got on board this train and rode with us from the very beginning to the very end. You’re the reason, guys. You’re the reason we got to fall so deeply, year after year. You’re the reason this won’t be just a story once told. You are the reason we got to do the thing we love more than anything else… 4 years in a row. Thank you. My heart is in a hundred pieces, but its smiling. Smiling at each and every one of you, smiling at the once in a life time lessons I have learnt, both personally and professionally. Smiling at the cast and crew who took me under their wings, who protected me, who cared for me, who created and nurtured an environment that gave me the confidence to bring Eleanor to life. And to the main guy, to my best friend. the guy that got paired with me. The guy who erased my fear. The guy who carried me through thick and thin (literally and also physically a lot of times) , the guy who made me laugh every single day even when I really didn’t feel like laughing. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. . This guy tom, he is my mentor. I came into this thing as a 24 year old timid (but loud and sometimes annoyingly eager) girl who had dreamed of this opportunity for her entire life… and let me tell you, the real thing entirely eclipsed the dream. The dream was like a rehearsal for the real thing. Let that be the message that stays with you. The silver lining to a story left unfinished is that now the ending is up to you. It’s yours entirely, it can be whatever you dream it to be and no one, my friends, can ever take that away from you 🙂 dream it up, I know how it ends in my mind. 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you to every single person who made the Royals possible. I think its safe to say this has been the most remarkable journey I’ve been on yet. With bountiful gratitude and love. Alex.

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To everyone who has watched this show for the last four years we can’t put into words how much your love and support has meant to us. As I’m sure most of you already know, we recently got the call that The Royals has reached the end of its journey. And fuck. What a journey it’s been. There have been massive highs and massive lows, we’ve done a lot of crying and even more laughing but you guys have been there every single step of the way with us and we will never ever forget that and cannot thank every single one of you enough. And to one very special person in particular I want to say a bigger thankyou to than any of the others. To my best mate. Al Park. For all these years we stood side by side through the good the bad and the ugly. You held me up, supported me through thick and thin and have not only made me a better actor but I hope, in some way, maybe, a better person. I may not be your bodyguard anymore mate, but I will always have your back… And on that note- for anyone wondering what happened to Jasper and Eleanor… they definitely lived happily ever after. X

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Sono una nerd a tempo perso, Star Wars e la Marvel sono la mia religione, ma non disdegno il DCEU. Mi riprometto di non iniziare mai serie tv senza aver finito quelle che sto guardando, ma fallisco sempre.