Le celebrità per le strade condividono il sostegno per la Marcia for Our Lives
“Quando si tratta di proteggere i nostri figli, tutte le scommesse sono andate via e la responsabilità ricade su noi adulti e legislatori da ascoltare e da fare”, ha scritto su Twitter Dwayne Johnson il giorno della marcia. Miley Cyrus si è unita alle marce dicendo “mai più” alla violenza armata, mentre Kim Kardashian West è atterrato a Washington DC per la dimostrazione principale.
“Siamo solidali con i sopravvissuti della violenza armata e gli studenti che chiedono un’azione per le leggi sulla sicurezza delle armi di buon senso a #MarchForOurLives in tutto il paese”, ha scritto la star.
I’ll always stand for open dialogue and action – it’s the only way to ensure bad history doesn’t repeat itself. When it comes to protecting our children, all bets are off and the responsibility lies with us adults and lawmakers to listen and do. Very strong day. #MarchForOurLives
So ready to March today! Landed in DC w North & Kanye. We stand in solidarity with the survivors of gun violence & students who are calling for action on common sense gun safety laws at #MarchForOurLives around the country @AMarch4OurLives @Everytown
Mentre negli ultimi anni sono aumentate le richieste di leggi ragionevoli sulle armi da fuoco, in seguito alle numerose sparatorie di massa avvenute in tutta l’America, la Marcia per le nostre vite è stata scatenata dalle riprese alla Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School di Parkland, in Florida. Diciassette persone sono state uccise e altre 16 sono rimaste ferite, il che ha spinto gli studenti sopravvissuti a diventare attivisti e hanno parlato della questione.
George Clooney, Bill Murray e Taylor Swift erano tra quelli che stendevano tributi agli adolescenti in lotta per le loro voci da ascoltare.
Cynthia Nixon, la star di Sex and the City in corsa per il governatore di New York, ha condiviso una foto dei suoi cartelli di protesta mentre era in piedi su una piattaforma della metropolitana di New York. “Le armi servono per abbracciare!”, Ha scritto. “Stamattina stiamo portando milioni di persone in tutto il paese a #MarchForOurLives e chiediamo leggi più severe sulla sicurezza delle armi”.
Meg’s tears stopped as abruptly as they had started. “But I do understand.” She felt tired and unexpectedly peaceful.
Mrs Which’s voice was grave. “Wwhatt ddoo yyou unndderrsstanndd?”
“That it has to be me. It can’t be anyone else.”#wrinkleintime#MarchForOurLives
I’m so proud of these students who are using their voices to speak Truth to Power. I support @AMarch4OurLives @Everytown #protectkidsnotguns #MarchForOurLives
See more reactions below, including ones from Lady Gaga, Madonna, Yara Shahidi, Demi Lovato, Jimmy Fallon, and John Stamos.
It is our Responsibility, our Duty and our Right to Stand Together, with every Student, every Family, Every Human!! Every Heart! And Demand an End to Gun Violence! #MSDStrong #MarchForOurLives #NeverAgain
“When a gun has more rights than you” Today I stand in reverence of the students who’ve experienced such personal tragedy & used their voices to unite and action. Today we March For Our Lives. Today we reclaim our right to safety Hope you can join/support #EnoughisEnough
Proud to share these photos of the brave young people from #StreetCornerResources as they join with other youth leading this moment. Thanks to our @ChnlKindness reporter Josh for capturing. I’ll share more live updates from CK + other youth across the country. #MarchForOurLives
tomorrow is #marchforourlives and it is SO important that we all join in and fight for change. no one should fear for their lives so we need to make sure that these tragic events never. happen. again. #iwillmarch
Today’s the day!!! If you can’t join us at #MarchForOurLives in DC you can watch LIVE starting at 12pm EST on @AMarch4OurLives See you all soon!!
Today is @AMarch4OurLives. I’m partnering with @MTV and @NAACP to sponsor a bus full of smart young young people traveling from NYC to #MarchForOurLives Washington, D.C. today. Thank you for standing up and saying you’ve had #ENOUGH. See you there.
Watching a father cry talking about losing his first born to gun violence. Young people, we will following your lead. You are all a most effective tool. Thank u for the work you’re doing today, that could make my child’s tomorrow a safer place. #Marchofourlives #Foundtonight
Change is happening today. Change is happening tomorrow. And change can happen at the voting booth. YOU have the power to make a CHANGE. #MarchForOurLives
I am joining the March For Our Lives movement because I feel a sense of responsibility to use my platform to bring attention to the issue of gun violence in this country! #March4OurLivesLA
Heading to #MarchForOurLives in this charismatic blouse thanks to @ChrisAblesArt #LosAngeles
Thank you to all the students and young people out marching and making their voices heard for the #MarchForOurLives. Our generation has let you down on gun violence and gun control and we are in awe at your strength, resilience & eloquence. You are truly the future. Stay strong.
Proud to #MarchforOurLives with my daughter Tess in #NYC Many here are not so fortunate. #Enough
I stand in solidarity with students, teachers, parents, friends and families across the country! #MarchForOurLivesLA Now you march…next we VOTE! #MarchForOurLives @AMarch4OurLives
Today’s #MarchForOurLives proves that young people are taking the reins and changing the world, & I for one am glad to join them in the fight!
The Los Angeles March for Our Lives is beautiful. Our children did this. All around the country. They can’t be stopped.
Giusy Adelizzi
Sono una nerd a tempo perso, Star Wars e la Marvel sono la mia religione, ma non disdegno il DCEU. Mi riprometto di non iniziare mai serie tv senza aver finito quelle che sto guardando, ma fallisco sempre.